Comments, continued

We want to keep our original Comments page as well as make room for new comments. Welcome to the next page of comments.

At M. E. Kerr’s request, this is a Comments page where visitors may leave comments without creating accounts. Comments will still be reviewed and may be edited for content. There will be a slight delay in posting new comments but don’t worry. You will see your comment within a day and we will respond if you ask a relevant question!

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54 Responses to Comments, continued

  1. Michelle Koh says:

    Over the years many of M. E. Kerr’s books were banned or challenged. Here is a post in honor of free access to books, including all of Marijane Meaker’s works.

    First, here is a podcast with Stacy Abrams and LeVar Burton entitled The Right to Read and Fighting Book Bans.

    Second, here is a link to Margaret Atwood’s Unburnable Book video. In case you missed it, she contributed to the cause with an unburnable copy of The Handmaid’s Tale. It was auctioned off at Sotheyby’s for $130k and

    All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to support PEN America’s work in support of free expression.


    Here is the more information about Margaret Atwood’s Unburnable Book.


  2. Michelle Koh says:


    I got a chance to commemorate Marijane Meaker’s birthday today with friends at Oakland Cemetery. We chitchatted like we used to on Marijane’s deck. I miss her but her legacy lives on!


  3. Michelle Koh says:

    Sharing a reader’s comment and link below.

    Just found this site, thank you. Gave Marijane a shout-out on my blog today — I review kids’ books.


  4. Michelle Koh says:


    Remembering my dear friend and talented author, M. E. Kerr today. I knew her first as M. E. Kerr or Ms. Kerr, as she affectionately called her alter ego. Then I got to know her as Marijane Meaker. This picture is actually from my annual birthday celebration. It was the last one she put on for me because we had to cancel the one in 2020 due to the pandemic. We didn’t see each other in person for some time and only had video calls. Marijane enjoyed hosting small gatherings and we, as her guests, had our stories we liked to hear. I wish I did a better job of writing them down and wish I had a better memory. I will try to share here and there. She was a good cook and made a good pot roast and cabbage and corn beef, among many meals. In her later years she was fine with us cooking, ordering in or some combination. With her, it was the company and conversation that always made it fun and memorable. So cheers to Marijane!

  5. Michelle Koh says:

    If you would like to honor Marijane Meaker’s memory, of course we welcome your comments here always! We also wanted to let you know one option is to give in her memory to ARF, one of her favorite causes, a place where she always adopted dogs and cats from throughout her life.

  6. Michelle Koh says:

    Added 12/17/22: Thank you NPR for your tribute where we can hear Marijane read her own words and and share part of her incredible life with listeners.

  7. Michelle Koh says:

    Added 12/13/2022: Thank you Washington Post for capturing her vibrant personality and personas in this obituary.

  8. Michelle Koh says:

    Added 12/10/2022: Thank you The Guardian for a beautiful and thoughtful obituary.

  9. Michelle Koh says:

    Announcement 11/22/2022
    Our dear M. E. Kerr, born Marijane Meaker, died yesterday, November 21, 2022 peacefully at home at the age of 95. I saw her in person on her 95th birthday and it was a wonderful visit. I had plans to see her over the Thanksgiving weekend but instead, I will be at her home with friends and we will have a remembrance. She had a long, full, memorable life. I will write more later. She loved her fans and always wanted to support aspiring writers.

    Edit: 11/24/22

    I wanted to add that Marijane was a great raconteur able to weave facts into intrigue captivating her audience whether it be at a school, bookstore event or dinner table. One of these tales that she told and wrote about was the distinct possibility that Marijane was the inspiration to her dear friend and fellow YA author, Louise Fitzhugh as she had shared with Louise her days being Marijane the Spy when she was younger, following her mother’s lead as the one in the neighborhood who could be relied on to spill the tea to her neighbors about her neighbors. Lastly, for now, I will impart two pieces of advice she gave me and to those who asked for it, especially writers and aspiring writers: “Read!” and “You’ll never do it any younger.”

    Love to you all,

  10. Michelle Koh says:

    More timely this year although celebrating banned books is a yearlong endeavor!


    Happy Belated Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned or challenged for various reasons. I will follow the tradition of sharing previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what I have gathered over the years.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

    Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week: A Thematic Guide to Introducing Banned and Challenged Books in the Classroom

  11. Samantha says:

    Greetings M.E. Kerr/Marijane! I’m a 25-year-old lesbian who began reading Marijane’s work in 2020 with Spring Fire. I’ve also read the non-fiction works by Ann Aldrich (We Walk Alone & Carol in a Thousand Cities) and I am now steadily making my way through all the Vin Packer books. But I was especially captivated by her memoir Highsmith. It’s a text that’s been a continuous source of fascination for me. Marijane’s work has totally enriched my life and I am so grateful for it. Also look forward to seeing Marijane in the upcoming documentary “Loving Highsmith” once it’s finally released in the states. She’s very funny in the trailer! Best Wishes.

  12. Michelle Koh says:

    I had a delightful visit with M. E. Kerr over the weekend. She is as sociable and curious as ever. We took various pictures and this is the one she approved below.

    Happy Birthday M.E. Kerr

  13. Michelle Koh says:

    May 27th is M. E. Kerr’s birthday!

    I am visiting her this weekend and I was so excited about it, I was late in posting my usual Happy Birthday wishes. We have not seen each other in person since February 2020. Now the circumstances are right for a face to face visit.

    Join me in wishing our dear Marijane Meaker, a.k.a. M.E. Kerr, a happy, happy birthday!

    Here is a noir-ish picture I think she would appreciate as a mystery writer (Vin Packer) and author of the Fell series.

    Happy Birthday M.E. Kerr

  14. Michelle Koh says:

    I had a brief chat with Marijane Meaker today. She was cheery and about to have a nice meal of mac and cheese as well as belated Valentine goodies with our friends. She and I haven’t seen each other in person in two years. February 2020 was my last visit to see her. Like many, over the past couple of years, I’ve been thinking about everything I’ve done in my life and developing a new appreciation for making time to do it all, especially taking Marijane up on all of her invites over the years!! Looking forward to a visit soon. It seems like things are settling down and it will be safe to mingle again!

    FaceTime with Marijane Meaker

  15. Amy Lester says:

    I was please to find this site today as well as an NPR interview. I read all the ME Kerr books as a teenager and was surprised to learn it was a pen name. I had a pleasant time hunting around the internet and finding so much new info I didn’t know.

    Thanks for writing such wonderful books that were a big part of my voracious reading habit!

    • Michelle Koh says:

      Thanks for your comment! I will be sure to pass it along to M. E. Kerr (Marijane Meaker). She loves names and pen names. I don’t know if you read about how she was her own agent at some point under various names! I know Marijane will be pleased to hear of your enjoyment of Ms. Kerr’s books!

  16. Michelle Koh says:

    Art Spiegelman quote

    I thought the Art Spiegelman response to having Maus censored was worth sharing here. I realized recently that I forgot to remind everyone about Banned Books Week which occurred September 26 – October 2 last year.

    Let’s celebrate now. Happy Belated Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned or challenged for various reasons. I will follow the tradition of sharing previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what I have gathered over the years.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

    Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week: A Thematic Guide to Introducing Banned and Challenged Books in the Classroom

  17. Michelle Koh says:

    I was delighted to have a brief Zoom with Marijane Meaker today. She looked and sounded great. She was getting ready to have some pie after a small Christmas gathering.

    Happy 2022 from Marijane Meaker!

  18. McKenna R. says:

    Hello! I’m once again visiting this forum to express my gratitude. I finally got my hands on a copy of Sudden Endings (a prized possession for sure) and have Spring Fire coming in the mail soon. I hope everything is well

  19. Michelle Koh says:

    Dinky Hocker After School Special

    I’ve been curious about the TV version of Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack and earlier this year I found it on YouTube. Just search for it and it should come up. It’s a bit on the nose and distilled from the original source as After School Specials seem to be. But it was interesting and fun to see a different version of it.

  20. Michelle Koh says:

    I was delighted to have a video call with Marijane Meaker, a.k.a., M.E. Kerr, today. This time I remembered to take a screenshot. We enjoyed seeing each other and chatting.

    M.E. Kerr in Summer 2021

  21. Michelle Koh says:

    It is time again to wish my favorite author and dear friend, Marijane Meaker, a very happy birthday!

    Marijane Meaker

    I had a Zoom with her a couple of weeks ago and it was great to say hello and see her face. I did not take a picture though. So I am using this picture from 2019 because I really like it. I went through my pictures to make a different card this year but kept coming back to this one so here it is!

    Thanks to everyone who continues to stop by the site and send messages to her via Comments or Contact Us. She receives them and enjoys hearing from her fans as always!

  22. Michelle Koh says:

    When I have Zoom calls I try to find fun pictures for my virtual background so I am often looking through old pictures. I came across this nice one of M. E. Kerr from 5/28/18 the day after her birthday. She is sitting on her deck where we have had many relaxing and lively times. I like how Amber and Buddy are posed with her.

    M. E. Kerr on 5/28/18

  23. Michelle Koh says:

    While I wanted to be in person for Christmas Eve dinner with Marijane Meaker and friends, I am just not there yet in terms of comfort level for traveling even somewhat locally. Instead we had a video call like many others. I was so delighted to see her and just say hello. Here is a screen grab- she was worried about her hair, which looks absolutely fine, and I certainly have no vanity as I just look how I look, fly away hair and all:

    M. E. Kerr and Webmistress 12/24/20

    I have been embracing the title of “Webmistress” because M. E. Kerr prefers it to “Webmaster.” I like both as an evolving traditionalist.

  24. Michelle Koh says:

    Thanks to Elaine Viets for sharing her finished article,Practitioners of the Telltale Art about accomplished mystery writers who graduated from University of Missouri School which includes a great section about Marijane Meaker.

    “Thanks so much for a terrific interview. Here’s a copy of the story on the university’s main news page. It’s also the cover story in Mizzou magazine.



  25. Michelle Koh says:

    Banned Books Week

    Banned Books Week ALA

    We are celebrating Banned Books Week September 27- October 3 this year. Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned or challenged for various reasons. I will follow the tradition of sharing previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what I have gathered over the years.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

    Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week: A Thematic Guide to Introducing Banned and Challenged Books in the Classroom

  26. Michelle Koh says:

    ‘Fresh Air’ Marks Pride Month With Novelist Marijane Meaker

    Marijane Meaker on NPR

    If you haven’t heard NPR’s Terry Gross interviewing Marijane Meaker in 2003 or want to hear it again, here’s your chance!

  27. Michelle Koh says:

    Happy birthday wishes to my favorite YA author and friend, Marijane Meaker.
    Marijane Meaker

    I saw her in February and had a lovely visit with her as always but we didn’t take many pictures so I am posting a picture from last year that I really like.

  28. Michelle Koh says:

    Happy New Year from!

    For past few years I have been spending Thanksgiving with M.E. Kerr / Marijane Meaker. We both appreciate the Portrait mode setting. Here’s one of from 11/28/19:

    Marijane and Michelle

  29. Michelle Koh says:

    Banned Books Week

    We are celebrating Banned Books Week September 22-28 this year. Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned or challenged for various reasons. I will follow the tradition of sharing previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what  I know and I hope M. E. Kerr will chime in and make additions or correct me.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

    Common Core Standards and Banned Books Week: A Thematic Guide to Introducing Banned and Challenged Books in the Classroom

  30. Michelle Koh says:

    I had a nice visit with M.E. Kerr/Marijane Meaker last weekend and wanted to post a picture of us. From July 13, 2019 on her deck:

    ME Kerr in July 2019

  31. Michelle Koh says:

    Today is the birthday of Marijane Meaker, a.k.a. M.E. Kerr! Happy Birthday to her!

    Happy birthday 2019

  32. Michelle Koh says:

    I am an avid patron of the New York Public Library and greatly rely on and appreciate the ease of borrowing and reading ebooks.

    Currently many books by M.E. Kerr and Mary James are available as ebooks at the NYPL. They are pictured below as a reminder of this wonderful resource.

    ME Kerr books at NYPL 1

    ME Kerr books at NYPL 2

    ME Kerr books at NYPL 3

  33. Michelle Koh says:

    We celebrated Banned Books Week September 23-29 this year. I am a bit late wishing everyone Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned for various reasons. I will follow the tradition of sharing previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what  I know and I hope M. E. Kerr will chime in and make additions or correct me.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

  34. Michelle Koh says:

    Please enjoy the most recent addition to the site a page celebrating the fan art and friend given objects inspired by the works of M. E. Kerr, Mary Hames and Marijane Meaker.

    M. E. Kerr Fan Art, Etc.

  35. Michelle Koh says:

    I was busy celebrating Marijane’s birthday with her, a.k.a. M. E. Kerr, and forgot to post well-wishes on the site! Here is Marijane Meaker on her deck with her two dogs on her birthday weekend!

    Marijane Meaker at home

  36. Michelle Koh says:

    Marijane. Meaker a.k.a., M. E. Kerr, is an avid animal lover and lifelong supporter of A.R.F. – Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons . In honor of Lunar New Year 2018 being the Year of the Dog here are M. E. Kerr’s dogs:



    They have quite a story. I will just say that it was requested they be adopted together.

  37. Michelle Koh says:


    This shed is in M.E. Kerr’s backyard. She told me a story about how one of her many rescued cats over the years, Mr. something, I can’t remember, used to hide inside the shed. A young neighbor asked her what he was doing in there. She told him that he was writing a book entitled, “I hate…” and it was a book about all of the things he hated.

    I would love to read that book!

  38. Michelle Koh says:

    Nice to see this on M. E. Kerr’s birthday! From Booklist’s 50 Best YA Books of All Time, by Daniel Kraus | Booklist Online
    FEATURE. First published May 26, 2017 (Booklist Online).

    Booklist Online 50 Best YA Books

    Gentlehands, by M. E. Kerr (Harper, 1978).

    The Holocaust is the basis for many fine YA novels, but this book did something different. In a contemporary setting, it brought the subject home in a way that raised questions about personal morality as well as collective guilt. When Buddy and his new girlfriend meet his grandfather, they find him erudite and cultured. They are shocked to learn he may be a Nazi butcher.

    Thanks to John S. for the head’s up on this!

  39. Michelle Koh says:

    It’s that time of year to celebrate Marijane Meaker’s birthday!

    Happy birthday 2017

    Here is M. E. Kerr holding court on her living room last month (April 2017).

  40. Michelle Koh says:

    M.E. Kerr has several home offices. Here is a short video tour of one of them.

  41. Michelle Koh says:

    Happy New Year

    I took this picture of the first sunrise of the year today at the beach. – Michelle

  42. Michelle Koh says:

    I found this old but nice picture of me with M.E. Kerr on her deck. Thought I’d share it.

  43. Michelle Koh says:

    Happy Banned Books Week! M. E. Kerr has joined the ranks of authors who have works banned for various reasons. I will re-post previously gathered information below:

    banned books week 2012

    Reprinted by permission of the American Library Association

    As it is Banned Books Week, it seems like the right time to note books by M. E. Kerr that have been banned or challenged over the years. I will list what  I know and I hope M. E. Kerr will chime in and make additions or correct me.

    Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack -Banned or challenged for “references to religion, drug use and potential use of heroin.”

    Gentlehands – Banned or challenged for “showing one Nazi in a positive light.”

    Hello I Lied – Banned or challenged for “homosexual content.”

    I’ll Love You When You’re More Like Me – Banned or challenged because “a character has a gay friend.”

    Night Kites – Banned or challenged for “discussing AIDS and homosexuality.”

    I believe the following titles were “challenged” which means questioned but not banned:

    Deliver Us from Evie


    Slap Your Sides

    What Became of Her


    Related links:

  44. Michelle Koh says:

    Here’s a recent picture of us from 2016 in her living room (her books are nicely displayed all throughout):

    ME Kerr and Webmaster

  45. Michelle Koh says:

    Happy Birthday M.E. Kerr!!!

    Happy Birthday

  46. Michelle Koh says:

    Nice article in The Advocate about our Marijane Meaker.

    Click here to read the full article.

    “Marijane Meaker isn’t a household name, but she should be.”

    Nice book cover collage in this article:

    The Advocate

    Thanks to our friend Nola Thacker for sending the link.

  47. i just read about you in LC. mar ap 2016
    and am thanking you for your years and writings
    and want you to know i award a no money, no statue,
    just for applause and kicks. rainbow rave reviews
    usually published in LC or coe, or maize.
    what would you recommend for my starter course?
    as i am broke, a freeby would be nice, not necessary.
    rainbow in st augustine.

  48. Michelle says:

    Welcome to Comments, continued! Follow the link to read previous Comments.

    Happy New Year! Things to do in 2016 include checking out M. E. Kerr’s recently released collection of short stories Edge, and with the spotlight on the movie Carol, attention has been put on her other work including Marijane Meaker’s memoir Highsmith.

    Click here for more information about Edge.

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