Happy Holidays 12/24/20

Welcome Forums M. E. Kerr & Other Topics Happy Holidays 12/24/20

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    • #946
      Michelle Koh

      While I wanted to be in person for Christmas Eve dinner with Marijane Meaker and friends, I am just not there yet in terms of comfort level for traveling even somewhat locally. Instead we had a video call like many others. I was so delighted to see her and just say hello. Here is a screen grab- she was worried about her hair, which looks absolutely fine, and I certainly have no vanity as I just look how I look, fly away hair and all:

      M. E. Kerr and Webmistress 12/24/20

      I have been embracing the title of “Webmistress” because M. E. Kerr prefers it to “Webmaster.” I like both as an evolving traditionalist.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Michelle Koh.
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